Expression wrinkles (Botulotoxin)

Injection method that temporarily eliminates expression wrinkles and improves skin complexion of the upper part of the face: forehead - glabella (area between eyebrows) - eyes, chin and neck.

  • Long-term effect lasting 4 to 9 months!
  • Elimination of the bad habit of frowning.
  • Natural and youthful appearance.

We use botulinum neuroprotein which is certified and registered by the Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices of the Republic of Moldova - Dysport (France).
Your beauty outburst - elimination of expression wrinkles along with facial contouring.
You may also be interested in eliminating excessive sweating with botulinum neuroprotein.



20 minutes
women 120 c.u.
men 155 c.u.
Glabella (area between the eyebrows)
20 minutes
women 140 c.u.
men 160 c.u.
20 minutes
women 130 c.u.
men 150 c.u.
Forehead and eyes
30 minutes
women 207 c.u.
men 230 c.u.
Glabella and eyes
30 minutes
women 210 c.u.
men 235 c.u.
Forehead and glabella
30 minutes
women 217 c.u.
men 240 c.u.
Forehead, glabella, eyes
45 minutes
women 280 c.u.
men 310 c.u.
Payment in Moldovan lei. 1 c.u. - 22 MDL